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Yoga for Stress Relief
A Simple and Unique Three Month Program for De-Stressing and Stress Prevention
by Swami Shivapremananda

Clearly and authoritatively written, with step-by-step illustrated instructions, Yoga for Stress Relief demonstrates the appropriate positions (asanas), breathing exercises, and meditations for relief and prevention of stress.

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Clearly and authoritatively written, with step-by-step illustrated instructions, Yoga for Stress Relief demonstrates the appropriate positions (asanas), breathing exercises, and meditations for relief and prevention of stress. The techniques are suited for the beginner and for the more experienced practitioners of yoga.

The book is made up of three parts. Part One has two chapters: the first deals with the psychology of stress while the second looks at the physiology of stress. Part Two, which forms the body of the book, consists of the Three-Month Program - a practical program of yoga exercises, breathing techniques and meditation exercises for you to follow. Part Three deals with specific ailments, and gives advice in which postures and breathing exercises to practice from the Three-Month Program to alleviate your particular condition.

Chapter One explains how we can learn to manage stress by changing our attitudes and ways of behavior. This section discusses the formative influences which shape us as children and which are partly responsible for creating our personalities as adults. The author offers suggestions on how to deal with past experiences which may have been damaging, and how to develop a positive attitude to life. He also looks at other causes for stress, such as environmental factors and emotional factors.

The fundamental message of Chapter One is that you have to gain an understanding of yourself in order to manage stress. You should try to carry this understanding with you throughout your practice of the Three-Month Program.

Chapter Two explains how stress affects the body in physical terms. This part deals with the physiological changes which occur when the mind and body are under stress - how stress affects the nervous system, the organs of the body and the immune system. The author indicates how to recognize the various warning signals which show you are stressed, and suggests ways to manage your stress levels or alleviate or overcome various stress-related disorders.

Part Two, the Three-Month Program, is divided into six two-weekly parts. The Program has step-by-step, fully illustrated instructions on how to perform the postures, breathing exercises and meditations. It opens with some easy postures and gradually introduces more demanding exercises. People of all ages and states of fitness can use the Program, and it can be adapted to your own individual needs.

Part Three focuses on certain stress-related ailments and conditions, indicating which asanas and pranayamas are appropriate to relieve stress. The ailments covered include such commonplace conditions as insomnia, headaches, asthma, depression and hypertension. To assist you with using this section there is a reference chart which indicates which postures, breathing exercises and meditation practices you should focus on, or avoid, for each ailment.

At the back of the book you will find a list of useful texts for further reading, and a resource section which gives information on yoga courses and centers where you can study several branches of yoga and train to become a teacher. The glossary includes all the Sanskrit terms used throughout the book and any other words that may require further clarification.

142 pages; 7 1/2 X 9;soft bound

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