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Trastorno por Deficit de Atenci Hiperactividad Un manual de trabajo clinico
(Attention-Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder: A Clinical Workbook, 2nd Edition)
by Russell A. Barkley, PhD, Kevin R. Murphy, PhD, and Jos¸auermeister, PhD Collaboration & Translation by Maribel Matos, Carmen C. Salas-Serrano, Dyhalma Avila-L, & Graciela Reina

Now these invaluable materials many of which are available from no other source are expertly translated, clearly formatted, and ready to photocopy and use with Spanish-speaking clients.

Full Description:   

Attention-Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder: A Clinical Workbook, Second Edition, provides a master set of the forms, questionnaires, and handouts recommended by Barkley in the second edition of Attention-Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder: A Handbook for Diagnosis and Treatment. Now these invaluable materials many of which are available from no other source are expertly translated, clearly formatted, and ready to photocopy and use with Spanish-speaking clients. Particular attention has been given to making the translation appropriate for culturally and geographically diverse clients. As in the English edition, all child and adult interview forms and rating scales have been completely revised for DSM-IV and new norms for many of the scales have been provided. Included as well in this 8.5 x 11 comb-bound workbook are a fact sheet for parents and teachers of children with ADHD, as well as ADHD-diagnosed adults; daily school report cards for monitoring academic progress; and more. The Spanish edition also features four newly added scales: the Distraction Scale, the Activity-Impulsivity Scale, the Family Experiences Inventory, and the Parent Practices Inventory.

Your Photocopy Rights: The Publisher grants individual book purchasers nonassignable permission to reproduce the handouts and forms in this book for clinical use with their clients. For complete details and limitations, see copyright page.

174 pages; 8.5 X 11;spiral bound

Introducció® ¦lt;BR> * Hoja de datos acerca del TDAH
* Formularios para usarse con ni񯳠y adolescentes
* Instrucciones para los formularios de ni񯳠y adolescentes
* Instrucciones generales para contestar los cuestionarios
* Informaci󮠡cerca del ni񯠹 de la familia
* Historialm餩co y de desarrollo
* Có­¯ prepararse para la evaluació® ¤e su niñ¯ ¦lt;BR> * Entrevista clí®©ca formulario de informe para los padres
* Escala de evaluació® ¤e la conducta perturbadora formulario para el informe de los padres
* Escala de evaluació® ¤e la conducta perturbadora formulario para el informe de los maestros
* Cuestionario de situaciones del hogar
* Cuestionario de situaciones escolares
* Escalas de distracció® ¹ actividad-impulsividad
* Inventario de experiencia familiar
* Inventario de pr ticas de crianza
* Lista de comprobació® ¤e situaciones para padres y adolescentes
* Có­¯ usar una tarjeta de informe diario para la conducta escolar
* Formularios para la evaluació® ¤e adultos
* Instrucciones Formularios para adultos
* Historial de desarrollo
* Historial ocupacional
* Historial de salud
* Historial social
* Escala de sí®´omas actuales formulario de autoinforme
* Escala de sí®´omas en la niñ¥º formulario de autoinforme
* Escala de sí®´omas actuales formulario para el informe de otros
* Escala de sí®´omas en la niñ¥º formulario para el informe de otros
* Escala de desempe񯠥scolar en la ni񥺠formulario para el informe de otros
* Escala de evaluaci󮠤el desempe񯠥n el trabajo formulario de autoinforme
* Entrevista para el adulto
* Formularios para usarse durante el tratamiento con medicamento
* Lista de comprobaci󮠤el m餩co para los padres
* Informació® ¤e seguimiento
* Escala de evaluació® ¤e efectos secundarios
* Referencias
* Ap鮤ice Organizaciones de apoyo a personas con el TDAH

English Edition Contents
* ADHD Fact Sheet
* Forms for Use with Children and Adolescents
* Instructions for Child and Adolescent Forms
* General Instructions for Completing the Questionnaires
* Child and Family Information
* Developmental and Medical History
* How to Prepare for Your Child's Evaluation
* Clinical Interview Parent Report Form
* Disruptive Behavior Rating Scale Parent Form
* Disruptive Behavior Rating Scale Teacher Form
* Home Situations Questionnaire
* School Situations Questionnaire
* Issues Checklist for Parents and Teenagers
* Using a Daily School Behavior Report Card
* Forms for the Evaluation of Adults
* Instructions for Adult Forms
* Developmental History
* Employment History
* Health History
* Social History
* Current Symptoms Scale Self-Report Form
* Childhood Symptoms Scale Self-Report Form
* Current Symptoms Scale Other Report Form
* Childhood Symptoms Scale Other Report Form
* Childhood School Performance Scale Other Report Form
* Work Performance Rating Scale Self-Report Form
* Adult Interview
* Forms for Use during Medication Treatment
* Physician's Checklist for Parents
* Follow-Up Information
* Side Effects Rating Scale

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