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The Art Of Travel Conversation


Travelers' tales have always been popular - people have been sharing their experiences of different places and faces for about as long as we've been communicating! This new TAOC® title turns our passion for travel - and talking about it - into a new form of entertainment and education.

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Travelers' tales have always been popular - people have been sharing their experiences of different places and faces for about as long as we've been communicating! This new TAOC® title turns our passion for travel - and talking about it - into a new form of entertainment and education.

Rather than suffering through family happy snaps (with accompanying monologue) on the slide projector, laptop or even mobile phone, TAOC® The Art Of Travel Conversation allows everyone to share their expoeriences, tips and favourite destinations in a balanced way.

- Over 300 fascinating travel topics and a 32-page guidebook that includes detailed end notes.

- TAOC® encourages meaningful and fun conversations about the world, people and places, experiences, sights and sounds, philosophies and beliefs.

- Ideal for experienced travellers, soon-to-be-travellers, even armchair travellers, TAOC® also allows you to swap 100% practical travel tips and learn about unexpected destinations that may nver have occurred to you.

- We travel for different reasons, in search of different things. Some travel in search of adventure, others to seek peace and relaxation, others to encounter new, surprising and exotic things. TAOC® has conversations for all modes and means.

Product Code:  613-TACOTRAVEL Price:  $29.99 Qty:        « Add to Cart