Anger Management Resource Package

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Product Code: 100-ANGER
Price $ 508.75 US
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ACT is based within a social learning, cognitive-behavioral, theoretical framework, developed and refined over the years. The authors have found that a cognitive-behavioral approach is the most effective method of helping clients change. Clients need to be aware of the way in which their thoughts, feelings and behaviors are related, and to be equipped with the practical skills to enable them to modify their responses. There are three main tenets of this approach Awareness, Coping Strategies, Lifestyle.
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The toxic costs of anger are well understood: sabotaged careers, alienated family and friends, and even physical damage to a point where illness or an early death can result. Unlike previous models of anger control that began by combatting anger-provoking trigger thoughts at a relatively low level of anger, this workbook introduces a streamlined new approach that allows you to begin a higher level of anger control, so that fewer steps are involved. Throughout, the techniques are presented in a clear, step-by-step format and arranged to make it easy to tailor a program to your own personal obstacles and triggering events. Learn more
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Anger Control Training Program
Anger Control Workbook
Anger Management: A Practical Guide
Anger Game, Workbook, 2 Video's
Getting Through Without Anger
Anger Puzzle
This book provides information, insight and strategies for understanding and managing anger more effectively. They outline impulse control, social skills, moral judgements, environmental factors and therapeutic approaches which will help the reader consider their own anger as well as their reactions to the anger of others. With specific ideas offered for working with children photocopiable resources and checklists are provided.
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This game, workbook, video and puppet video will teach cognitive skills necessary for effective anger control. The programs format maximizes interest and commitment to treatment.
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You're not getting through and getting the help and cooperation you want?... And you sometimes resort to anger and make things worse?... Yet you know your anger is pushing others away, but you've still felt helpless to break this pattern?... You don't need to be helpless any more. You'll find here a gentle but very workable way to shake your anger habit. Then you'll discover, more and more often, the pleasures of getting through to others.
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This resource offers a sympathetic perspective as well as constructive ideas for dealing with older people's feelings, desires and behavior, and explodes the myths surrounding what is a normal part of life. Learn more

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