| 1 Behaviour and learning: the reunion- Introduction
- Current labels and special education
- Behaviour and learning
- How do you 'see' behaviour?
- Meeting individual needs
- Needs and difficulties - are they the same and does it matter
- Which needs are we meeting
- What can I do in the classroom
2 The management of teaching and learning- Emotional and behavioural difficulties
- Work models - teacher and school compatibility
- Effective school or ineffective youth club
- Setting whole school aims
- Curriculum or therapy
- Teaching in an EBD school
- Cautionary tales
- The role of differentiation
3 The whole child requires whole learning: Providing spiritual development- Defining spirituality
- Spiritual needs
- Whose job is it anyway?
- Religious Education and spirituality
- Collective worship
- Two spiritual stories
4 Challenging behaviour: definition, observation and intervention- What is 'challenging behaviour?
- The importance of a behaviour policy
- What is challenging behaviour in our school?
- Why observe behaviour?
- What can we observe?
- Intervention - initial issues
5 Battle zone or learning zone? Classroom strategies- Positive prevention
- Avoidance techniques
- Positive approaches
- When things seem to be going wrong
- Choose your zone
Review and reflection: a school-based system for support and development- Teachers' need for support
- The benefits of review and reflection
- Review and reflection - getting started
- Evaluation of school-based support
- A positive postscript