The Anger Puzzle
by Betty Doty and Pat Rooney

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122 pages; 6 X 9;
soft bound

Product Code: 93-3
Price $ 8.95 US
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Solving The Anger Puzzle may be the most significant discovery you can make. Shake the Anger Habit! Break the Anger Trap!

  • Is anger a problem to you?
  • Your Own anger?
  • or others?

As you read this book, you will see how to fit all of the pieces together to form a complete puzzle.

    The authors goal of this book is to give you enought clues to complete your puzzle so that
  • Within a few weeks you will realize that you are better able to handle anger which is directed at you
  • You will find that you are processing your own anger more comfortabley (and feeling better about yourself because you are breaking the anger habit),
  • You will also be putting less anger out on others (and reaping the benefits which come when others feel safer around you)

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