Developing Baseline Communication Skills
By Catherine Delamain & Jill Spring

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Product Code: 86-70
Price $ 99.95 US

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Developing Baseline Communication Skills is a timely practical resource designed to fit closely with the baseline assessments now being introduced into schools. It contains a program of games and activities aimed at fostering personal and social development, and promoting language and early literacy skills. Teachers often express concern about the many children who enter reception classes lacking the listening, understanding and speaking skills necessary to make a successful start to their school years. This resource seeks to address some of these problems.

  • Games and activities suitable for four- to five-year-old children in nursery education, playgroups, reception classes and those attending speech & language therapy clinics. These are ideal for both mainstream and special schools.
  • Two hundred games and activities, graded into levels of difficulty, for whole classes or groups that can be easily incorporated into the existing school curriculum.
  • Activities that can be carried out by teachers, classroom assistants or volunteers, with simple record sheets for optional use.
  • Illustrated throughout, this is a unique manual which should be an essential addition to the materials used by every professional working with young children.

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